Blueberry Gardens features private home studio space located on 15 acres in Ashton, Maryland, in northeast Montgomery County, surrounded by woods and fields.
Private Home Studio
A 990 square foot spacious and beautiful octagon that accommodates 25 yoga students or 100 chairs is appropriate for classes, meetings and group sessions. Additional treatment rooms are set up for massage and bodywork.
Space is available for one time use and for continuing classes, programs, and treatment sessions.
Practitioners can access a secure online calendar to efficiently schedule treatment rooms and client appointments. Practitioners and event hosts may advertise their information on our web site.
Pricing depends only on the hours of use (and no longer on the size of your group):
- Full day (4-10 hours) $150
- Less than 4 hours $70
- Less than 2 hours $50
Make a Reservation using Paypal
Once your request has been reviewed and approved by Blueberry Gardens, you can pay by cash, check, or by Paypal. To use Paypal: